A text editor is a program that serves the purpose of editing the plain text files. Now before you look for best text editors for Mac one must know little about text editor. So 10 best text editors for Mac OS guide is here to sort out best for you. To get a laptop with an excellent writing tool that offers no distraction, it is a must that it should be loaded with 10 best text editors for Mac. If one wants to create software and apps that require complex coding, it becomes intermediate necessary to look for the best text editor for programming on Mac. But 10 best text editors for Mac OS are must for high-end programming. Every OS comesĮvery OS comes with the inbuilt ability of text editor like Notes in iOS or Text Edit in OS X providing the same universal function. Usage for Mac has been increased compared to Windows and therefore looking for best text editors for Mac is not an easy task to choose when there are many best text editors for Mac available in the market.
Whether it is the need to take notes or do programming, there is a broad range of functions that text editors perform. If you are an advert user of a computer, then you would know the inevitable use of text editors on a daily basis.